Ls Dyna Training In Chennai

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LS-DYNA is an advanced general-purpose multiphysics simulation software package developed by the former Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC), which was acquired by Ansys in 2019.[3] While the package continues to contain more and more possibilities for the calculation of many complex, real world problems, its origins and core-competency lie in highly nonlinear transient dynamic finite element analysis (FEA) using explicit time integration. LS-DYNA is used by the automobile, aerospace, construction and civil engineering, military, manufacturing, and bioengineering industries. The LS-PrePost SCL is a C like computer language that is executed inside LS-PrePost. The user can execute LS-PrePost commands, retrieve LS- DYNA results, apply LS-DYNA data center extraction functions, and extract results from LS-DYNA d3plot files or model data from the keyword input file.

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Learn Ls Dyna Training In Chennai

Course Highlights

  • LS-DY­NA is a gen­er­al-pur­pose fi­nite el­e­ment pro­gram ca­pa­ble of sim­u­lat­ing com­plex re­al world prob­lems. It is used by the au­to­mo­bile, aero­space, con­struc­tion, mil­i­tary, man­u­fac­tur­ing, and bio­engi­neer­ing in­dus­tries. LS-DY­NA is op­ti­mized for shared and dis­trib­uted mem­o­ry UNIX, Lin­ux, and Win­dows based, plat­forms, and it is ful­ly QA’d by LSTC. The code’s ori­gins lie in high­ly non­lin­ear, tran­sient dy­nam­ic fi­nite el­e­ment analy­sis us­ing ex­plic­it time in­te­gra­tion.

  • Chang­ing bound­ary con­di­tions (such as con­tact be­tween parts that changes over time)
  • Large de­for­ma­tions (for ex­am­ple the crum­pling of sheet met­al parts)
  • Non­lin­ear ma­te­ri­als that do not ex­hib­it ide­al­ly elas­tic be­hav­ior (for ex­am­ple ther­mo­plas­tic poly­mers)
  • “Tran­sient dy­nam­ic” means an­a­lyz­ing high speed, short du­ra­tion events where in­er­tial forces are im­por­tant.
  • Au­to­mo­tive crash (de­for­ma­tion of chas­sis, airbag in­fla­tion, seat­belt ten­sion­ing)
  • Ex­plo­sions (un­der­wa­ter Naval mine, shaped charges)
  • Man­u­fac­tur­ing (sheet met­al stamp­ing)

LS-DY­NA’s po­ten­tial ap­pli­ca­tions are nu­mer­ous and can be tai­lored to many fields. In a giv­en sim­u­la­tion, any of LS-DY­NA’s many fea­tures can be com­bined to mod­el a wide range of phys­i­cal events. An ex­am­ple of a sim­u­la­tion, which in­volves a unique com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures, is the NASA JPL Mars Pathfind­er land­ing sim­u­la­tion which sim­u­lat­ed the space probe’s use of airbags to aid in its land­ing. LS-DY­NA is one of the most flex­i­ble fi­nite el­e­ment analy­sis soft­ware pack­ages avail­able.

LS-DY­NA con­sists of a sin­gle ex­e­cutable file and is en­tire­ly com­mand line dri­ven. There­fore all that is re­quired to run LS-DY­NA is a com­mand shell, the ex­e­cutable, an in­put file, and enough free disk space to run the cal­cu­la­tion. All in­put files are in sim­ple ASCII for­mat and thus can be pre­pared us­ing any text ed­i­tor. In­put files can al­so be pre­pared with the in­stant aid of a graph­i­cal pre­proces­sor.

There are many third par­ty soft­ware prod­ucts avail­able for pre­pro­cess­ing LS-DY­NA in­put files. LSTC al­so de­vel­ops its own pre­proces­sor, LS-Pre­Post, which is freely dis­trib­uted and runs with­out a li­cense. Li­censees of LS-DY­NA au­to­mat­i­cal­ly have ac­cess to all of the pro­gram’s ca­pa­bil­i­ties, from sim­ple lin­ear sta­t­ic me­chan­i­cal analy­sis up to ad­vanced ther­mal and flow solv­ing meth­ods. Fur­ther­more, they have full use of LS-OPT, a stand­alone de­sign op­ti­miza­tion and prob­a­bilis­tic analy­sis pack­age with an in­ter­face to LS-DY­NA.

  • Expertly designed Course modules to meet with the global industry requirements.
  • Customized Syllabus pattern for LS Dyna training course in SSA
  • SSA provides LS Dyna classes in flexible timings.
  • LS Dyna training in Chennai is provided by Certified, experienced and proficient trainers in SSA.
  • SSA provides LS Dyna training in Chennai through Industrial expertise trainers for quality services.
  • SSA renders LS Dyna course, on a strategy of One to one training which makes students more comfortable and productive.
  • SSA withholds a unique concept of training its students according to their existing state whether they are a fresher/entrepreneur/field change seeker.
  • SSA provides customized target planning.
  • Successful workshops are regularly conducted for the fine touch up of knowledge and to enhance the skills of the candidates.
  • Project oriented LS Dyna software training with numerous case studies from industries.
  • Industry-Institute coordinated efforts to get the students updated with latest technologies.
  • SSA is rendering consecutive corporate trainings for industries like Bosch, L&T, and Caterpillar etc. Hence SSA trains our students as per the leading mechanical and civil industry requirements.
  • SSA provides Placement/entrepreneurship ideas and assistance.
  • SSA also renders successful LS Dyna online training course in Chennai

Upcoming Batches

Weekdays Training

Weekend Training

Classroom Training

  • Get trained by Industry Experts via Classroom Training at any of the SSA branches near you
  • Why Wait? Jump Start your Career by taking the Ls Dyna Course in Chennai!

Instructor-Led Live Online Training

  • Take-up Instructor-led Live Online Training. Get the Recorded Videos of each session.
  • Travelling is a Constraint? Jump Start your Career by taking the Ls Dyna Online training!


  • A rigorous understanding of how LS-DYNA works and how to work with the program to exploit its full capability.
  • Understanding the difference between implicit and explicit solver and their applications
  • Deals with complex industrial problems.
  • Contact and material modeling (including hyperelastic materials).
  • Gain industry-related best practices. ING CONTENT

In this module, you’ll learn the basics of FEA, various types of simulations, and their significance, and also develop a mathematical understanding of the implicit and explicit schemes. 

The topics that will be covered in this module are

  • Introduction to FEA 
  • Type of FE Simulation 
  • Explicit and Implicit mathematical definition
  • Post-Processing a typical explicit model 

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Trainer Profile

  • SSA unites the exact blend of theoretical and practical knowledge of the web engineering designs and it’s concepts and renders to its students which makes them to be highly compatible with what they learn.
  • LS-DYNA tutors/ Instructors in SSA provide the most smart and flexible way of learning such that the students become more Comfortable in achieving their knowledge quest.
  • The LS-DYNA trainers/Instructors in SSA are frequently updated about the nature of industrial needs through our research team. SSA provides trainings for corporate personal’s from reputed corporates like Allegis india service Pvt,.LTD, Pricol technologies, Stellantis India PVT limited, GE India Technology Center,Zuti Engineering Solutions  etc., Hence SSA provides the growing and exact needs of the industries to its trainers to serve the students better.
  • Trainers are well equipped and knowledge in SSA to render high a level of standard in LS-DYNA practices.
  • SSA’s Instructors are real time professionals who can render hands on training along with the LS-DYNA practices.
  • Trainers at SSA enlighten and train the students with updated needs of the industries relevant to their areas or domains.
  • Each student in SSA gets individual trainer who attends, listens, teaches and trains the student individually according to the student’s Pace and need.
  • We the SSA help our students to create and build their resume more intensely, specifically and uplift their confidence to get placed in a well reputed and knowledgeable company.


Years Of Experience

Learning a technology with a professional who is well expertise in that solve 60% of your needs.

Fully Hands-on Training

We support any training with more practical classes. So, we always prefers to give hands-on training.

Flexible Timings

We started with 2 trainers, now we are 100+ and it’s still increasing. So we can give the students flexibility timings.

Affordable Fees

If you need software assistance we are here to back you up. Bring your laptop and load the required software and learn.

Lab Support

If you need software assistance we are here to back you up. Bring your laptop and load the required software and learn.

Interview Preparation

Every course in covered with interview point questions and real-time scenarios of what the company may look after from you.


Ls Dyna Certification Training

About Ls Dyna Certification Training in Chennai at SSA

LS Dyna Certification is one of the professional credentials which demonstrate that the candidate has gained in-depth knowledge of the LS Dyna and its application. With a real-time project experience provided at the end of the LS Dyna training, this certification states that the candidate has acquired the necessary skills to work in LS Dyna software. Having this certificate along with your resume helps in prioritizing your profile at the time of the interview, and also it opens the door for a wide range of career opportunities.

LS Dyna certificate from SSA holds the necessary skill sets that are required for a professional designer/Architect under the guidance of our Real-time professionals. LS Dyna training is provided by professionals who have 8+ years of experience in the Designing/Architect platform and also as corporate trainers. They upskill your knowledge with the recent developments in the relevant field of yours.


Job Opportunities After Completing Ls Dyna Course in Chennai

LS-DYNA is the industry-leading explicit simulation software used for applications like drop tests, impact and penetration, smashes and crashes, occupant safety, and more.


LS-DY­NA’s analy­sis ca­pa­bil­i­ties in­clude:

  • Full 2D & 3D ca­pa­bil­i­ties
  • Non­lin­ear dy­nam­ics
  • Rigid body dy­nam­ics
  • Qua­si-sta­t­ic sim­u­la­tions
  • Nor­mal modes
  • Lin­ear sta­t­ics
  • Ther­mal analy­sis
  • Flu­id analy­sis
  • Euler­ian ca­pa­bil­i­ties
  • ALE (Ar­bi­trary La­grangian-Euler­ian)
  • FSI (Flu­id-Struc­ture In­ter­ac­tion)
  • Navier-Stokes flu­ids
  • Com­press­ible flu­id solver, CESE (Con­ser­va­tion El­e­ment & So­lu­tion El­e­ment)
  • FEM-rigid mul­ti-body dy­nam­ics cou­pling (MADY­MO, Cal3D)
  • Un­der­wa­ter shock
  • Fail­ure analy­sis
  • Crack prop­a­ga­tion
  • Re­al-time acoustics
  • Im­plic­it spring­back
  • Mul­ti-physics cou­pling
  • Struc­tur­al-ther­mal cou­pling
  • Adap­tive remesh­ing
  • SPH (Smoothed Par­ti­cle Hy­dro­dy­nam­ics)
  • EFG (El­e­ment Free Galerkin)
  • Ra­di­a­tion trans­port
  • EM (Elec­tro­mag­net­ism)



  • SSA students can have a vast and practical kind of course knowledge since they get LS Dyna training from the corporate trainers who are with 8+ years of experience.
  • The only institution in Chennai who first introduced the ‘one to one’ training in professional courses.
  • Affordable and reasonable fee structure.
  • Flexible course timings.
  • Corporate trainers.
  • Real time projects and case studies.
  • SSA was inaugurated and commenced its service and operations in 2014 as an independent institute for training technical designs and concepts for all engineering courses.
  • After 7 years of tremendous growth, today SSA has served Job cum entrepreneurship for 200+ students.
  • More than 500 students have been trained from 20+ colleges and have been benefited by our quality teaching concepts.
  • SSA has placed 80+ students in the corporates in mechanical and civil domain.
  • SSA is carrying out consecutive trainings in wiring harness, ArtCAM and various mechanical and civil soft wares and courses for leading and giant corporates like Bosch,L&T ,caterpillar etc..,
  • SSA is being tagged with consecutive corporate trainings on behalf of its quality services in technical concepts.
  • SSA’s ultimate goal and responsibility is to be trustworthy and enlighten the technical knowledge to the students and corporate personals in the time of need.

Trainers are Industry Experts who have a decade of experience as corporate trainers/Real time designers and practitioners in mechanical, Electrical and civil industries. Also, the Training faculty of SSA are domain oriented graduates with vast academic knowledge, working professionals from the mechanical, Electrical and civil field who provide hands-on training to the students.

SSA provides trainings both offline and online.

  • Offline
  • online
  • Available
  • Cash, card, G pay, net banking.